Bailey by Joann & Gary / Mommy and Daddy

You became a part of our family Labor Day weekend of 2000 and you left us 4 days shy of your 11th Birthday. You definitely left a void in our lives that can never be filled again. We never thought we would get a Lab that hated water. You would not willingly go into our swimming pool, didn’t like to go out in the rain…always came in and wanted to get dried off with your special towel. You barked at everything and anything. Aunt Deb always said you lacked social skills! You became a vegetarian early on and enjoyed a good head of iceburg lettuce whenever offered to you. And watermelon and a good corn on the cob in the summer was one of your favorite treats. In July of 2009 we found out you had cancer…something you would fight like a trooper. Open heart surgery and 2 different rounds of chemo could not get you down. But after a while you got tired of fighting and that was ok. You were with us longer than anyone predicted and we are grateful for that. We miss you and will love you always. Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge…..You will always be in our hearts.


With eternal love,
7, May 2011
Joann & Gary