Bandit by Jeanne & Rick Beckley / Mommy and Daddy

Just recently we had to make the decision to have our beloved “Bandit” put to sleep. She had been in good health until this past summer when she developed severe arthritis. We treated her with Prednisone daily and she had miraculous results from this and by doing this we were able to give her 7 more high quality of life months with us.

However, due to her age—despite the Prednisone—the arthritis finally “took over” full force and other health problems may have started to become an issue as well. She deteriorated very fast in just a few days.

We did not want to see her suffer…so, we made that “hard” decision that all of “we” petowners hate to have to make….
to have her put to sleep.

Bandit had her own distinct personality and traits that were hers alone. That is why even having other cats….she will be greatly missed. She was so timid and shy when we brought her into our home as a stray all those 16 years ago…but, we worked with her through the years and she came to be a much more lovable and sociable cat from all the time
that we spent with her.

We feel fortunate to have had her with us for such a long time. She blessed our lives in so many ways. But…it was time for her to leave us and go to once again be with her brother “Smokey” who passed away on July 21, 2000.
(His tribute is ID # 12138).

As with all our other cats who are no longer here with us–she may be gone–but she will never be forgotten as she will remain in our hearts forever.


With Our Love Always,
29, Jan 2003
Jeanne & Rick Beckley