Bear and Puppy by Philip / Bear Puppy and Rusty

One early morning I Philip was sleeping my sister Brittany’s room. I slept with my two dogs Rusty and Puppy. Puppy is a 7 year old Chihuahua. Rusty is a 10 year old Pomeranian. I have two cats Sammy which is 7 years old and Tiger 1 year old. I have a bird named Cutie and she is 10 years old. My two parents Phil and Francine and my sister and I were talking about getting a dog. The next door neighbors told us that they had a Pomeranian for sale. We said that we would take him.

His first name was Elvis and then we changed it to Bear. He was 2 months old. 2 months later Bear was a little bigger. Rusty died of a stroke yesterday. 4 months later September 23, 2007 something terrible happened. We went to church and we were coming home and we stopped to get Wendy’s. When we got home there was a German Shepherd in our yard he was at my door and wouldn’t let me out, then he moved away. When I got done eating I wanted to play with my dogs Puppy and Bear. Then when I looked in front of the fence Bear was laying down DYING!!! I suddenly got my parents and they were speechless and we told my neighbor Ken to take him to the hospital. We could not find PUPPY!!! Then my mom saw him under the van DEAD!!! We were almost past out we called the cops and they didn’t care because they were on break and I was mad when they said that! Later my mom said that bear did not make it! We could not believe our eyes!

In the morning I went to school and I was sick. When I got back home my mom told me that there going to court and the cops found the dog owner. We won the court and I was glad. Then one night we heard a gunshot and when we looked around and the man shot his dog. 2 months later we got two new Chihuahuas and they were Cinnamon and Shiloh they are 5 months old. I am not over of what happened but life goes on. Shiloh sleeps with me now and I pray that that never happens again. Now life goes on I still will not forget that day and those dogs will be in heart forever!


With Love,
Bear and Puppy