Bella by Jasmine / Jasmine

2: Bella,
I remember when my mom first brought home from the animal shelter. I was about five years old when she got you. When I first saw you, I thought you were so cute. Your eyes were so pretty, one was brown, and the other was blue. I would take you on walks all the time, and we would meet new people together, and it was fun.

People that would come over would say how attached you were to me. You would always cry when I went somewhere and everything. I never, ever got mad at you, or tired of you, from the first day I saw you, till the days when you started to get old.

I couldn’t believe it when the doctor told us that you were going to die from a tumor in your neck. I would even start crying during class. When we had to put you to sleep, I didn’t want the last person you saw to be that stupid old lady that was taking you there, so I went with you. When they were going to put you to sleep, I made sure that I was the last person you saw, and when they finally did it, I started to cry alot.

I’ve never liked any other dog, the way I love you. My mom even bought me another dog for my thirteenth birthday, but I don’t even like her because for two years already, she’s nothing but a spoiled little brat. You’re the only dog that I will ever love.


I Will Never Forget You,