Benjie by P.M. Allen

Never again to see your face
Never to hear your bark
Never to see you play again
is tearing us apart.

We’re missing all your fusses all your kisses too but most of all those big brown eyes so solemn and so true. Benjie you were so ill there was nothing the vet could do so please will you forgive us.
We couldn’t let you suffer.

We loved you far too much. Your father can’t stop crying like me he’s grieving too. We know you’re not in pain now. You needed this long rest. We placed you in God’s keeping. We thought was for the best. So lord if he is near you just pick him up and Hug him and tell him it’s from us. Deep in our hearts a memory is kept of a pet we loved and will never forget.

Lots of love from

Mam Dad and Mitzee


9, Feb 2002
P.M. Allen