Benny by Judith Barlev / Grandma Judith Barlev

Benny found us a year ago, and insisted that we take care of him. He was larger than the usual cat, confused, scared – and beautiful, with large clever eyes, and tricks that proved that he was domestic cat. I believe he did not know he was a cat because he never mewed, just “spoke” to us, kind of gurgling. 3 months after my daughter and i found him, he moved to live with my younger daugther, who had love-hate relations with him, love taking the upper hand. he was difficult – large, heavy, wild, easily panicked, scared of cats and any noise, and sometimes very violent. but when relaxed he was funny, loving, cute, loveable, and huge – he was Benny, my four legged grandson.
Regretfully we realized that his violence had a cause. Benny had a brain problem, caused in birth or by trauma – we don’t know. but he changed, became more and more violent, and it became apparent that he is suffering. so we had to say good bye.
Good bye – but we will never forget our funny and wonderful four legged family member, Benny, the cat from somewhere, who gave us one year of worry, difficulties – and lots of love.


We will never forget you
Judith Barlev