BJ by Wallace



BJ Wallace

Jan. 8 1999



The best friend that I've ever had

Has left me now and I'm so sad

I wasn't ready to let him go

My sunbeam BJ I loved him so.


He came to us so skinny and thin

Elbows worn down to the skin.

Behind those bars he looked at me

On Valentines Day 1993.


He didn't look old though they said he was nine

Greying just slightly he looked so fine.

His heart had a murmur ; he'd a scar under one eye

But there was something about him - I still don't know why.


Please take me home those eyes were pleading

And make sure I get lots of feeding.

Could make me melt with just one look

Then promptly ate his new dad's books!


He sucked his cheeks in when he'd been bad

Hid behind my legs when his dad got mad

He really was my pride and joy

And quickly became a real 'mummies boy'.


So many scrapes he's been in,

Visits a plenty to Cathcarts & Winn.

Corn on the cob and mince from the bin

His scavenging was his biggest sin.


He hurdled two fences to get to the bread

That Rachel had meant for the birds instead!

He loved his fruit - bananas were best

He'd pester the plate of every guest.


He won rosettes - we were so proud

Performed so naturally in front of a crowd.

A fifth a third and then a fourth

The best six legs in all the North.


His operations were many; we all but lost count

But they all added up to a considerable amount!

His prepuce enlarged his cruciate snapped

And never forgetting the gas that got trapped!


His tail then amputated and left with a stump

Which wiggled like mad on the end of his rump.

He battled with arthritis that made his bones ache

And I nearly forgot the bite from the snake.


He started to tire this last year or so

Legs were now dragging and gait became slow.

Drinking six pints as if dying of thirst

Psychogenic Polydypsia though we thought the worst.


At age fifteen his liver gave up

To a tumor we lost our big silly pup.

He slipped away peacefully in his own bed

While our last goodbyes were tearfully said.

But the hardest part of letting him go

Is thinking perhaps that he never did know

How much we loved him me and Joe.






