Blackie by Gerry / Daddy

My wonderful and handsome Blackie, you came into our lives as a feral cat and brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. Although it was only for about 21/2 years, you taught me courage, loyalty, patience, dignity and above all unconditional love.

I can remember the day after you passed away, a similar black long hair rag doll mix cat, but much younger than you came to the sliding door and meowed. He was not afraid of me at all as I approached the door to say hello to him and I knew straightaway that you had sent him to tell me that you were allright and would be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I never saw that cat again. Oh! how I love & miss you sweet boy and will never ever forget you.

Your loving Tania with whom you fathered kittens to this day will run to the door when she hears the recorded meow you would make when calling the kittens. Mummy and Zachary send their love to you and they would want me to tell you that you have left your paw prints on all of our human hearts.


Blackie, you will always be in our hearts and we love you.
22, Jan 2004