March 25 2000
To Stoney
From Sharon
What Bodie Might Say
Apricot dreams
Essence of sage
Touching a rainbow
Turning the page.
Spirit within me
Sent into the sky
The Elders have called me
Please do not cry.
The physical me
Is all that is gone
Im here in the shadows
To play you a song.
The things that you gave me
On this physical plain
Warmth Love Devotion
Were purely my gain.
As I enter my new life
With you as my guide
I hold fondly the memory
Of you by my side.
I look in the fenced yard
Showing below
I send it some sunshine
And coax it to grow.
I come to your pillow
And stare at your grief
I wish you could see me
And feel some relief.
I have transformed
I am Earth,Water and Air
I take what you taught me
It needs to be shared.
You were the teacher
Of what I wanted to learn
I was your comfort
As life tallied its turns.
Remember the touchable
My fur to your skin
Yet know that Im with you
And you're loved from within.
Bodie |
Sharon |