Bonnie by Gary Foster / Mom & Dad

I lost my 5yr female dobe under tragic circumstances about 3 yrs ago. I lost her in some large woodland one Sunday evening while out walking and despite looking and searching the woods and surrounding villages all night, I could not find her anywhere. I gave up my search about 3am Monday morning, and resumed at 7am.

Once again I searched all areas this continued until 1pm. Something told me to try the woods just one more time, and I took a path which I had not being down before. I eventually found her lying in a make shift hole dead. My whole world collapsed beneath me. Floods of tears flowed as I carried her back to my car and took her home where she now rests.

My wife and I still break down to this day at our loss, But our comfort and consolation is we have felt her many times jump on the bed, move around the house and smelled her cent.

Our night vision cam corder records Orbs dancing around the bedroom and some exploding like fireworks, what a beautiful site they are. Bonnie our dog comes to us most nights and we continue to record her presence for the love link will always be there….


Until we meet again my friend,
Gary Foster