Boopie by Sandra / Love Always,

Your Mommy!

BOOPIE” 8/1988-2/2005

We knew and she knew, It was time for her to go.
But we wanted a miracle to happen,
To make her the puppy we all used to know.
She raised her head and with her big brown eyes
She gave a look of love and trust.
To let us know she understood what had to be
Done was a must.
Even at this moment her last gesture was of love
To let me know that in my heart remains a paw
Print and on hers remains a handprint.
So she’ll always be with us.
With tearful eyes and a broken heart, I held her
And watched her slip away.
Though loved so dearly we had to make her go
Her own way.
So, Boopie on this day we lay you to rest.
Please,know that while you were here you were
The very best!…..I love you!


You will always be with me,BOOPIE!
10, Feb 2005