Boots by Ann and Zo / Mommy and Zoe

When I first met Boots he was at the humane society, he was already eight years old and the people there said they would be putting him down. I was there and not looking for myself but I loved him the minute I saw him….We loved him for eight years..through the birth of my five year old daughter, through a very emotional divorce…He was my best friend. As he grew older I just tried not to see it, even taking him to the groomers the day before thinking he was panting and having a haircut would make him cooler. Now I regret putting him down if I had only done one more test. That fatefull morning after boots could not lie down allnight I took him for a walk, just him and me and then I put him down…I pray he forgives me…

My daughter and I are heartbroken,even now as I write this the tears keep falling. I called the story fate because for some reason boots was meant to be put down….at least I got to love him for eight years…In our hearts and thoughts always bootie
Love, Mommy and Zoe


Forever And Always,
Ann and Zo