Booty by Mike & Debbie Chalk / Mike, Debbie, & Henri

Booty, you had a big loving heart that left your paw prints on our hearts. You gave us 16 years of joy and happiness. You were very charming, sweet, smart, and a great hunter.

You were a beautiful cat with velvety fur and you kept yourself so very clean.

You were a great lap-cat,
and you shared your time
with each of us.

You were a starving little kitten
when you were first found.
But you found your way to us,
and you became our kitty for
the rest of your life.

You were so grateful to have a loving home, and we were so happy you were our kitty.

You lost a few of your buddies along the way; but you taught, Henri, our other cat, so very much. You taught him to hunt, survive in the wild, and stay away from moving cars.

Thank you Booty for all
the happy healthy years and
love you gave us.

Our memories are filled with you.


We will always love you. We miss you, until we meet again in heaven,
25, Nov 2008
Mike & Debbie Chalk