Boppydoo by Shannon

Growing Up

I was only five when
he came into my life
a young child and
a tiny kitten
to grow up together.
He really belonged to
my three-year-old brother
Yet I loved him.
He was part of the family.

He slept on – or in –
our sleeping bags on
warm summer nights.
He walked through our Lego creations
threatening to destroy them.
He happily chased
a shoe string that
we dragged across the deck.

He was there for my first day
of kindergarten and
my last day of high school.
He was there the first time
I spent the night away from home
and on the day when I moved
away from home.
He was there when I went back
this summer and
when I left home again.

Last month
our time came to an end.
Far away at school
I heard about it only a week ago.
And I sit here in Pullman
in sadness and tears
but so thankful for
the years God gave us.

Boppydoo you will always
be in my heart…
Thank you
for sixteen wonderful years…



Sept 2001