Brandi DuPlessy-McGill

Aug. 1980 —- May 8th 2001

Orange and White Cat

My Aunt Jeanne gave me my kitty Brandi on Thanksgiving 1980

and what a surprise!! I wanted a beautiful kitty so bad

and did not expect this.

She was the smallest fluffiest little thing I had ever seen!

Needless to say I was only 8 years old when I got her so as a

typical cat she did not take well to me but rather my Mom which

was fine she along with myself were the lights of my Moms life.

Time went on and I grew up and had a child and got married my Brandi

(whom I had named after the “cold medicine” my Nan gave me)

stayed with my Mom and I also had another cat Timmy which Brandi

loved to beat up!! Let me tell you she was not heart broken when I took

him with me (as I could not take Brandi she had been with my Mom

almost as long as I had been!)

Our Brandi went through the deaths of my grandmother my cousins

and my Aunt as well as me giving birth to my daughter.

With nothing but patience and kindness to give us we thought

she was invincible. She came down with an awful urinary tract infection

and made it through with flying colours(at age 18) so of course we

thought at this point there would never be any stopping her.

However 2 days ago my Mom called me(she’s 60 yrs old) and

she sounded “funny” I knew something was wrong so I asked ,

she told me my “sister” Brandi was dead…I don’t remember driving

to her house?? but I got there and Beautiful Brandi was wrapped in a

favorite blanket of hers ….gone.

I just kept thinking no…no…no..this can’t be she was to be with my mom

through retirement. She looked so weak laying there in her “blanky”.

I can’t say anything more…she’s gone and I wish she wasn’t ,

but she died in my Moms arms where she was always happiest

and quickly and for that I am thankful.

I wish I had a scanner so everyone could see how pretty and

cuddly she was. I don’t know what my mom will do without her

(I don’t know what I will do without her being here)



until we meet again


Shannon and Mommy(Shirley)


Brandi DuPlessy-McGill