Brandy by Ginny & John Lotz / Mom & Dad Lotz

We remember when we brought you home.
You were only 8 weeks old. You were the pick of the litter.
The first night we put you in a box
at the foot of our bed.
About 3 A.M in the morning you cried
because you had to go to the bathroom.
I took you out and
brought you back to bed and
put you back in your box.
You cried so I put you in bed with us and
that is where you slept
until the day before you died.

You were so loving. You worried about me
when I had my Stroke and
you worried about your Dad
when he had double knee replacement surgery.

There wasn’t much of anything you didn’t like to eat.
We always said you would eat anything
that didn’t eat you first.
You were a real mucher.
We miss your kisses and wagging little tail.
We miss you so much and
even though it will be a year 11/24/02
the hurt is no less then the day you left us.


With Love Brandy Pandy,
Ginny & John Lotz