Brandy Wine by Chrissy

On July 4th 1990 when all were celebrating Independence day I had another celebration going on. The birth of my little baby girl. She was beautiful. This would be the beginning of a very long journey for us. On June 11 2002; almost 12 years later I had to say goodbye to my best friend. The journey was finally over. Brandy took part of my soul with her that day. She and I went through so much. Almost 2 years into our relationship she gladly adopted her Daddy and then 2 beautiful little girls that she mothered for years.
She took such good care
of all of us.

This year 4th of July will not be the same. I am always ready to celebrate her birthday with a steak just for her. This year her plate will be empty. Yesterday as I made a frame with the Rainbow Bridge poem in it my husband called me outside. There was a rainbow in the sky. The first we had seen this year. It was beautiful. I told the girls it was Brandy and she made it to the Rainbow Bridge. I told them there she was at the top of it waving from above.
She is now an angel.

God has taken her pain away and she is able to run along that beautiful rainbow. Play like she used to. I miss her and I love her so much. This has been a tragic week for me and I will NEVER let her go. She will always be in my heart and
part of my soul.

I love you
my precious baby girl.




Brandy Wine
11, June 2002