Brave One by Young


" Brave One "

1988 ------- 1998


Brave One


You disappear from my life

Like a thief into the night

You have no right to vanish

Without a trace-nowhere in sight.


How can I grieve you when I know not what's become of you?

Are you still here lurking somewhere in the shadows

Or did you find another love another home

Or worse were you taken from me by your foes?


Are you somewhere sick and needing me

But unable to cry so I can hear?

Or did you die all alone

Without me to love you and hold you dear.


I loved you for almost ten years

We learned to trust each other.

You were feral and I was scared

But we learned from one another.


How can you leave without saying good-bye?

Or is that what you were trying to say

When I petted loved and held you

And you loved me back the other day.


Were you saying good-bye to me?

Did you know your end was near?

I'm so sorry I didn't understand

I wish so much that you were here.


I would hold you and love you

And rub your belly until you purred.

I would feed you tuna fish

And love you with my every word.


I would say good-bye and hold you close

If that's the way it had to be.

I would tell you what a great cat you are

And ask you to please wait for me.


For someday in the afterlife

We'll be together again I believe.

I know it can't just end this way

One day you're here the next you leave.


There's got to be more meaning

More to life than meets the eye

A grander scheme that compensates

For the incredible sadness of saying good-bye.




Brave One