Bronco Billy by The Diaz’s / The Diaz Family

We lost Bronco this last November 16th and he will always be greatly missed. Bronco was born on Super Bowl Sunday ’99 when the Bronco’s played the Falons, he was the first to come before the family left to go to a Superbowl party. We knew his mommy was expecting any time soon but we had no clue that she was ready just then. We had planned to attend the party and had no clue what to with a dog in labor so we dropped her off at the vet. A few hours later the vet paged us at the party leaving a message “2 Girls and a Boy”, the host thought someone was having triplets. But it was our beautiful puppies!

We decided in light of the Superbowl we would name him Bronco, his sister Denver & Falcon. Bronco was born with hydrocephalus. We took him to the vet and had a brain scan done. We found out that he had a massive amount of water on the brain the worst the doctor had ever seen and the doc said he wouldn’t live more than 3 months. We decided we couldn’t sell him so we kept him. He had seizures his whole life. There were a few where we thought we would loose him but we played tug-a-war with God and got him back.

Until November 14, he had a big seizure. This time we couldn’t calm him. He had more as the night went on the next day we took him to the vet and she said he would recover, we were hopeful. But as that night went on he kept having them. The next day my dad got up & checked on him. He would usually follow him around everywhere as soon as he got up ’til he went to bed but he said Bronco only slowly opened his eyes and just laid next to my mom in the bed.

When my mom woke up he was gone. She couldn’t believe it. Neither could my brother and I when we found out. My dad’s friend gave him a good place to bury him and my dad gave Bronco a nice burial in the woods but didn’t have the heart to bury next to the stream where his friend pointed out because Bronco hated baths and water. But he is in better place now. We really miss him so much. He was so cute and tiny, only 6.5″ high and 2 lbs. And instead of just 3 months we gave him 3 long, fun-filled YEARS!


We love you Bronco,
Bronco Billy
The Diaz's