Bubble Gum Boy {Bubba} by Anya / The only mammal that knew you and loved you

Bubble Gum Boy (aka Bubba) came to me when I had nothing. My family had just passed away and the last thing I needed was an orange kitten.
Bubba, as he came to be known once the bubble gum got cut from his fur, was a sickly fellow. I had no idea about cats and he sucked at communication. He was tough and I was tough, that’s all we knew. But, one day….Bubba had to go to the hospital because he was very ill. It turns out that my friend of 3 years had feline AIDS and feline Leukemia. The vet and well…2 other vets told me that because of the circumstances and a large tumor that there was no hope.

I talked this over with Bubba. His English was poor and I had no idea what he meant, but I understood that he didn’t want to die at only 3 years old. So, I searched the internet and magazines for 1 week nonstop and found a drug that may help him. It did; it helped him. For 5 more years my Bubba was sarcastic, dramatic, slightly evil and very strong. He was my sunshine and the source of most of my smiles.

Into 8 years of his life and 5 years after when he was supposed to be dead, he got ill. This was different, we didn’t want to be away from each other…..It felt as time was running thin.
To make a really long story shorter…Bubba’s tumors reappeared and he was put down. I begged him not to go, but he had to. He got to leave the pain that was making him so miserable, but I….I got to live on and hate the mornings without him. None other shines so bright. I have adopted 2 cats, but neither are him. They are each special in their own way, but I need Bubba. I need that sarcastic, evil, slight of unholy alliance to keep me steady in this world. Without him, well, hurts so much that I just ignore it all. But, I will get better.

To Bubba: I still refuse that I buried you in the backyard, I’m totally keeping your toys away from you….You suck….I miss you sunshine, my evil angel…Please, please…be somewhere…doing something bad right now, because life just sucks without that thought, no matter how unrealistic it seems. Love is not a proper word. Determination. No matter what anyone says, you always won at life.


To a true best friend,
Bubble Gum Boy {Bubba}