Buddy by Kathy & Rick Hamilton / Mommie & Daddy

When we decided to adopt a Greyhound, our contact asked us if we would take a rebound, this is a dog that was in a home and was sent back. His first mommie couldn’t take care of him anymore. After talking about it for awhile we decided to take Buddy. It was a Saturday morning and we were so excited to meet him, the moment we laid eyes on him it was love at first sight.

Buddy turned out to be quite the gentlemen, well behaved and would never think of doing anything naughty. He loved everything and everybody and it was returned to him in huge portions. We had a special bond that will never be found again. If you were sad he would just give you kisses and stay close by.

In April we found a huge lump on his leg and took him to the vet, being good parents we kept him there to remove it. He came home the next day and wasn’t breathing right, in the mean time I had to go to away and while I was gone my husband found him on the floor screaming and howling, my husband rushed him to the vet but the dear boy was gone.

When my husband told me I got hysterical. They claim it was a blood clot to the lung. We still can’t believe he is gone and a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about him. We are very lucky to have had his love for five years. I know now we will see him again at the Rainbow Bridge. We love you Buddy and please wait for us at the bridge.


We Love You Sweet Boy,
Kathy & Rick Hamilton