Buddy by Kelsey / Your Best Friend Who Loves You Dearly!

Buddy was the most wonderful dog anyone could of asked for. I am not sure of when he was born or even where, all I know is he came into this world to be with my family and left this world
to visit other people in my family.

Buddy came into the lives of my family on June 16,1997. My dad drove by this one house everyday that was run down and no place to have pets. He noticed a Blue eyed dog chewing at the metal fence to get out so he could get food. After watching this dog do this for a couple of weeks, my dad and his friend went to the house late one night and took the dog. My Grandaddy is a vet and so we all piled into the pathfinder with the dog in the back. I was scared of him since he had no hair from the waist down and barely any teeth. On our way to my Grandaddy’s place the dog stuck his head over the seat and my little sister said “well hey Buddy!” we knew right then and there his name was Buddy.

As the years went on Buddy grew to love riding in the back of the truck like all dogs do. Loved to go to the lake and loved to ride the sea-doo. He would never let my sister or me swim without him in the water and while he is in the water he pushes us back to shore. When I needed someone to talk to he would sit there and look at me like he knew everything I was saying and believe it or not he would talk back (well bark back). He was my best friend.

As Buddy got older he started having trouble walking and went blind. He had to get one eye removed because of infection. One day while I was at school my dad took Buddy to the vet, his other eye was looking like it was getting an infection also. June 15,2007, at 6:45 a.m. was the last time I ever said bye to Buddy, I was told June 16, 2007, that they had to put Buddy down since he was in so much pain.

I miss him more than anything and wish I could have been there with him in his last moments. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD BUDDY! please take care of Grandmommy and Midnight.


Every tear I shed was a wonderful memory of you, Buddy! I LOVE YOU!