Buffy by Dana D / Dana

We bought Buffy from a family friend in July, 2000. She was already an ‘adult’. She was a real cutie. Her breed was Pomeranian/Chihuahua and her color was cream. She weighed six pounds.
The name Buffy fitted her perfectly.

She enjoyed many things including: Eating yogurt from the container after I was finished and sleeping. She really loved the yogurt. Sleeping was her hobby. Buffy was a real snore box. She could be heard all over the house. We trained her to ‘sit pretty’. She was so cute when she did that as she could sit for quite a long time.

As she got older, she slowed down and became an old lady. Sleeping, eating, and going outside became her main activities. She lost her vision and most of her hearing as she aged, but enjoyed life up
until the day before she died.

The day sadly came when she no longer enjoyed life and was in pain. I knew it was time for her to leave to go to the Rainbow Bridge.

I have many pictures of Buffy to help me remember
the good times we had together.

Buffy lived a long, happy life.
She was sixteen years old when she died.
I’ll miss her and her little ways.

I like to think of Buffy and Ginger running around the area of the Rainbow Bridge, young once more.


I'll Miss You, Buffy.
Dana D