Bugsy by James & Joanne Brunette

To our special boy Bugsy,

We want you to know you will never be forgotten. You came into our lives in 9/93; you were adopted at the animal rescue league. You stuck your little paw out at Jim Jr. at that point you won us over.

We were very lucky to have you in our lives. You were such a mello cat. I wish you could still be here with us but there was nothing the doctor or ourselves could do to make you better. We had to make the decision that we hated to make, but it was for your own good. We know your in a better place right now, having fun playing and eating.

Until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge,

We love You & Miss you, Bugsy.
Love always,

Mom, Dad and Jim


26, July 2006
James & Joanne Brunette