by Anthony Cimino / By Anthony Cimino

Dear Necco,

Through out good times and bad we always love you and I read somewhere about a man who read at a funeral about the dash he said: it’s not what year to what year it’s the dash in between those years so to you Necco I would like to talk about some of the things we have done in our time of dash. I loved the way you slept and I know you knew what I was always talking about even when I wasn’t saying anything to you and we use to play and run and have so much fun you lil pup. You at the age of 9 months you came to us in a time of need and so we had you like I said through good times and bad; we made the best of it so I thought you might wanna know how things were going here
after you left us, okay?

Well Shadow sure does miss you, you lil stinker. and so does dad and mom and Nick; we all do and I wish you hadn’t left us. You were the only thing we had that was good, you know, and Shadow sure did not like having you around at first, but she warmed up to you and now she wonders around the house all the time wondering where you are and I think she finally realized you wern’t coming back. Sweety, so good luck in heavan and watch over us, baby, ok. I Love You with all my heart I’ll talk to you in my prayers, ok sweety bye!!!


Anthony Cimino