by Aunt Brenda & Uncle Darrell / Loving prayers to my family and I love so much.

Our Most Grecious Father above, please be with our family at this time of need, prayers are not just for people but even the pets that grow so close to as family. I ask you Lord to be with this family at this time and help them to understand why this pain is so horrible, it’s not just the parents that hurt but these precious kids that are in such pain and sorrow at this time. Lord help to give them strength to deal and cope with this, help to make them realize that maybe they will not see her until they are all joined together someday in your heavenly home but “Sandy” will always bring such wonderful memories and that is why we carry those memories with us.

Please Lord, place your loving hands upon them to help give them serenity. You already know as humans our hearts can be selfish and we don’t want to lose something so special but help to guide them and help them to understand these things. I ask you this in his precious name and glory, Amen.

Also Lord, keep them safe and know just how much they are loved, these things I ask in your name and thank you Lord for all of my family.
All my love Aunt Brenda & Uncle Darrell


Aunt Brenda & Uncle Darrell