by Bonnie

BoBo Boey Mister Bo-Man Shaker-dog.

It seems like you had so many pet names.

But you didn’t seem to care you came no matter

what we called you.

I will always remember the first time that I saw you.

I was in the apple orchard picking apples in the late fall.

It’s so funny how you came straight to me and not some

of the others working there.

You were just a pup skinny and half starved to death.

I shared my lunch with you and from then on we were

best buddies and soul mates.

I remember loading you into our little red subaru.

You sat on the front seat just as big as you please,

as if you just knew you found a home and

someone to love and care for you.

Well that was 14 years ago this fall.

You have been a wonderful buddy,loyal

and faithful pal.

Always by my side no matter where I went.

You especially loved our daily walks in the woods.

You just begged to go each day.

Even when you were sick or didn’t feel like going

you went anyways.

I think just to please me.

You were so giving of your unconditional love.

It has been one week today since you have gone

away and I can hardly open the basement door and

not see you waiting there for me.

I will never forget you.

You will always be in my thoughts my heart

and my soul forever.

I feel alone now as I go walking everyday.

But I feel your spirit with me as I go down

the path we walked together.

I know we’ll see you again someday.

So until then be Happy.

Running and playing.

WE’ll be OK because of all the wonderful memories

that you gave us to hold on to.

Thanks for being my Best Buddy

and Faithful Companion.

I Love You and Miss You So Much My Boey!


