by Chuck Patti Jamie & Jeffrey

Ashley & Autumn were the most beautiful German Shepherds ever.
Ashley was Autumns mom.
Ashley was 4 years old when she had 5 puppies.
She had 4 males and one female.
We kept the little girl and named her Autumn.
Ashley loved her babies so much.
She was so happy we kept one of her puppies.
She missed the little boys when they went to new homes.
Ashley loved Autumn so much they were the best of friends.
Ashley took care of Autumn and cleaned her just like a puppy
until Ashley had to go to Heaven.
Ashley you were the best mom any puppy could ever want.

Autumn was 8 and a half when her mom had to go to Heaven.
Ashley was 12 and a half when she had to be put to sleep
on June 10 1998.
Now 4 years later on June 2 2002 Autumn had to go to Heaven.
Autumn was also 12 and a half when she had to be put to sleep.
They both had arthritis in their back legs.
I am so sorry Ashley & Autumn that mommy had to let you go.
I always wanted just one more day to kiss and hug you.

Mommy Daddy Jamie and Jeffrey love you and
miss you both so very much.
It is not the same here with out the both of you.
Sleep tight until Mommy can be with you.
I talk to you every day and tell you how much I miss
and love you. I hope you can hear me.
The only comfort I have right now is knowing you are
together once again.
You are still alive in my heart and always will be
my girl Ashley & my sweet Autumn.
You’ll be with me forever and ever.
I can’t wait to be with you again.

I love you my sweet girls.
Love ,

Mommy Daddy Jamie & Jeffrey.

Sincerely Chuck Patti Jamie & Jeffrey Turner


Chuck Patti Jamie & Jeffrey