by EJ / Big Sister

It seemed just like a short time we had him, he was so adorable, prancing around like a love struck puppy. He went through alot in his years with us. We always were moving and never had a permanent home. He lost his right eye one year in a fight over a female with his best buddy, Furoshus, my grandpa’s dog. One year when we lived in Georgia, a neighbor’s dog came over to play with my little boston terrier and got tangled up in the chain, and it choked Rocky.

I got up out of bed and ran outside crying when my dad told me about it. I was about 11. Rocky’s eyes were blood shot, his tongue was blue, and I was scared. But even though we had some hard times, I always remember the good times when I would sit outside with Rocky and tell him about my problems, and such.

I miss him dearly. Rocky taught me everything. How to be strong, and hold on in the bad times, when he lost his eye he acted as if he didn’t. He always loved everyone. He was the best dog anyone could have, he was my hero. If I could have any wish in the world, it would be to have my baby brother back. Rocky will always live on in my heart. I cant wait till I get to see the day when I walk through the pearly gates, and see him standing there waiting for me, just as he would when I would get home from school. I would wrap him in my arms and tell how much I love him.


With everlasting love,