by Frankie / Frankie Copyright 2010

God, please prepare a warm, kind place for this sad little wild creature who so briefly ran through my life. I hope that for a least a few moments of his life I was able to give him something to look forward to even if it was just cat food, which he seemed to really enjoy. This last day for him was not kind, he was terrified because he was hurting and did not know we wanted help him Lord. Please comfort him and whisper loving kind words to him.
I called him “Sad Sack” Lord, he looked like he needed a friend. I hope that in some small way I fulfilled that need. I pray his journey to Rainbow Bridge will be on the wings of a beautiful dove.
I will miss you little friend, little sad sack cat with wild gold eyes. Each day that I go out to feed Ethel I will think of you and I will comfort and care for her. We will both miss you little friend. I am sorry that you were so scared, little wild one, but I could not leave you to suffer that way. Love Always

