by Friend of Jessy / JESSY

” To Max ”
October 1, 2007.
Age 15.

I loved u from afar, as you didn’t belong to me.
I never have faulted another for their short comings in life, and I know that in one’s life, we can only do what we are asked to, that when we are faced to walk that path of Jesus, he and his mama are there with us, next to us.
That some of us are tested of our will. I am 46 years old. I don’t fault another for things in this world that they may not be able to do.
On this day of Oct.1st, my will was tested, not by GOD, but by life.

Max was a friend’s cat, dying from just being old and wanting to leave this world.
My friend had no money to take him to the vet to help Max die with dignity and loving arms around him.
I offered the money, not knowing that I would be the only arms that would be around him as my friend couldn’t leave her family. I truly understand that she couldn’t do this. They had time to say “Good-bye”.

I drove that short trip to the vet.
I carried him in, they gave me a room and time to be with him.
Remember, this sweet boy wasn’t mine, but for that time that I was with him, he was a part of me.
I gently laid him on the table. He looked up at me and that is all that it took as I could see into his soul. He took his paw and wrapped it around my finger. With tears running down my face, I took out my Holy water, the same water that I’d used on my boys when they were going home to Jesus. I couldn’t see what I was doing as the tears were running down my face as my heart was with my boys, – its only been a year since the loss of Toby, mama kitty, Joey and Mr kitty.
When I reached into my pocket, I could feel that the Holy water was cold, through two shirts. The water had turned cold – just as it did with my Joey.

With my finger, I made the sign of the cross on his head, as my tears ran down onto him. I talked to him. I could see his ears were listening to everything I was saying to him. His eyes never left me. I told him about the bridge. Was this GOD’s gift to me? Was this his way of giving me time to say what I had held in my heart to my boys?

I told Max to look for a boy dog who sits on his head, that would be Bandit. I took out my wallet and I showed Max a photo of my boys so he’d know who to look for. I asked Max to tell Joey that I love him, that with my whole heart, I need him.
Max never took his eyes off me listening as I said these words to him.

‘Now I lay you down to sleep, I pray to Jesus your soul to keep. Keep you safe, bad dreams away and lead you to your new day.

The vet came in and said I was doing the right thing, that he would not suffer in this death, and to just keep talking to him.
Max died with love and respect.
He is at the bridge and with my boys. He is with Bandit, who I am sure has sat on his head for him.
Max’s death opened the memory of my sweet boys. To feel them in my arms when it was their time to go home.
I know and believe with all my heart that when Max opened his eyes, he saw the Light of GOD and felt young again. He is now free from this world and has gone home.
I thank GOD that I was the one who was with him, who helped him and his family.
Be happy and free Max for you are a child of GOD.


A Loving Friend,
Friend of Jessy