by Jeannie & Dave Muller / Chances Life

Chance was brought into my life barely breathing and dehydrated. He was put in a plastic bag & it was wrapped and he was meowing and the bagger at the supermarket brought him in to my work. I fell in love with him. He was so tiny and so sick. I took him home & took him to the vet. He bounced back and was a Great Cat. He was my best friend. He would wait for me to go to bed & would jump up and lay at my feet. When he got older I would lift him up to the bed. He would warm my slippers that were on the floor by laying on them. He was a handsome cat. I will see him on the other side over rainbow bridge. Chance your were loved a lot. I will miss you always. My heart aches with sorrow. I hope time heals all pain.


With Love. Dave & Jeannie
Jeannie & Dave Muller