by Johnv8403 / UNKNOWN

Lord Jesus,

To those who have never had a pet this prayer will sound strange, but to You, Lord of All Life and Creator of all Creatures, it will be understandable.

Our hearts our heavy,
As we face the loss of our beloved pet who was so much a part of our lives.

This pet made our lives more enjoyable and gave us cause to laugh and to find joy in company.

We remember the fidelity and loyalty of this pet and will miss its presence here in our home.

From our pet we learned many lessons such as naturalness and the unembarrassed request for affection.

In caring for our pet’s daily needs, we were taken up and out of our own self -needs and thus learned to service another.

May the death of this creature of Yours remind us that life on the earth must end for all of us, animal and human, and if we humans have accepted You as our personal Savior, we are grateful and at peace.

Although Your Word doesn’t tell us much about our pet’s soul’s , we can’t imagine that their spirit and personalities would be absent from heaven.

May our Hearts be at peace in knowing that Your Plan for all of us animals and human, is perfect and serves our best interest,

We ask this in Jesus’ Name AMEN!!

