by k10ish / Kristen Osha Copyright 2007

I have a hole in my heart
my body and my soul
he is my best friend.

I wonder who is hurting more,
me or him.

He’s all alone out there.
I am safe in here.

He didn’t mean for this to happen
curious kitten.

I want you to know, my little baby
I love you as much as a child
and I miss you.
You were my missing link,
my unconditional love,
my loyal friend.

I am so sorry.
Please come home.
Let me help you find your way
stay strong and brave.

I will find you and bring you home
and when I do
my life will be complete again.

Until then, know I love you so very much.
You are special
one of a kind.
Nothing can keep you from me.

come home –
I’ll be waiting.

