by Krista / Krista

You were an angel, and so much loved.
A gift from God, sent from above.

You were my Best Friend, and such a sweet boy,
Always so happy to see me,so full of joy.

You and I had been through so much, good and bad.
You always tried to cheer me up when I was sad.

I know you had hard days,
I could see the pain in your eyes.
I hope you can forgive me
for not wanting to say goodbye.

I would have done anything to make you better.
I hope you knew how much I loved you,
But in the end,
I knew what I had to do.

Cody, you will be so missed,and always in my heart
So, we really won’t ever be very far apart.

One day I will see you again, but until then,
I will never forget my Best Friend.

