by Leonard

August 4 2000 was the lowest point of my life.

That was the day my best friend Max was killed in front of my house.

After my retirement Max was with me almost constantly.

Sometimes the two of us would just go cruising the streets.

We both were so proud me watching him and him alert for any movement.

All this ended with his sudden death.

I never had anything hit me so hard in all my 70 years.

As with others pet loss cases I really had no one to really

talk to who really understood the loss of a pet.

Most didn’t even want to hear about it. I had so much

hurt and grief I did not want to see anyone or go any place.

If I did go it was out to where I laid Max to rest.

I more or less went into seclusion for two months.

During this time I went on the web to find a plaque for Max’s marker.

I accidentally surfed into

I had no idea such a place existed; I found it was full of people who

had the same kind of hurt that I did.

I posted Max in the stories section and made a lot of copies of

his stories. Several were given to my local Vet friend.

He took copies and passed the out to other Vets at a Vet seminar.

There were tears. A lot of them said they had no idea

such a site existed.

After coaxing from my 96 year old Mother another new fur-butt

was delivered to me. He was a two-month old scared fur-ball

same breed as Max. Well I just about hugged him to death.

I was by his side for the next two months never leaving him for more

than a few minutes at a time.

While puppy sitting I went on pet loss sites where you could E-Mail

your input trying to help people with their pet losses.

More and more I wrote these people and everyone responded

thanking me. I would send Max’s posted story page

to them also.

There are several of us now who write each other as E-Mail friends.

I now spend at least four hours a day E-Mailing all over the U.S. and

other Countries helping people. Why not? I got a lot of help from people

and I just figure it is my turn to help someone else.

This is some thing that has pulled me out of deep depression and I

will continue to do make this a part of my retirement years.

There are two people who I really give credit to for

getting me out of a dark hole.

Thank you John and Carole.

Also thank you for


Leonard Fisk

