by Monica Gaston / Monica Gaston Copyright 2007

Dear Sugars,

Our bond was so strong,nothing could break it. Our love was so true, nothing could take it. Our bodies is just a touch, only one person could take. That one person, is God. God always has reasons, for his actions taken. No one knows why he does what he does, But we just have to trust and believe its always for the best. Three things he could never take, is our bond, our love, and our memories. We will aleays have that, no matter where we are. But your in heaven now, and I’m on earth. It’s for the best, we just have to believe. I believe God has a lonely Angel, that needs you for a true friend, and somebody to love. Just like I needed you. I remember when you was just a puppy, you would sleep in my arms like a baby.

Then you got older, and we just cuddled with a blanket. I have to say you was my shining track star, because when we went outside, you would always out run the other dogs. Our memories are most important. Our love will always be. Our bond is always there. And nobody could ever take them away


Monica Gaston