by Mrs Faye Shepperd / Faye Shepperd

To My Handsome Boy

How still our Home is without you.

How still our home is without you, that gentle cry from ground level, just to let us know you are there.
How still our home is without you that tell tale look that you want the tape switched on, so you could have your fresh water.
How still our home is without you, to be greeted with your beautiful smiley face.
How still our home is without you, jumping on our bed and receiving the most wonderful morning kiss which a human could ever ask for from a lovely pet.
How still our home is without you, to open the curtains in the morning and to see you standing there, waiting for mummy to open the door
How still our home is without you, to look in the garden a see the small imprint of leaves where you had slept
How still our home is without you. When we are in the garden and you have the ability to pause a conversation, because you want a cuddle or more than likely something off the BBQ.

How still our home is without because we will no longer hear your little voice
We will no longer are greeted with your wonderful smile,
We will no longer be given a sloppy kiss in the mornings.
I will no longer open the curtains, to be greeted with you standing and waiting to come in.
I look just stand staring at the small imprint where you had your last sleep.
And say good night, god bless, sweet dreams my love.
Our hearts are filled with such sorrow. You see Felix is a member of our family & gave unconditional love to us all. He knows just when I needed a cuddle.
“And i so would love a cuddle from Felix right now.”
On the 16th November 2008 at 11.15,My Boy was taken from us .He didn’t deserve to go that way, I just hope and pray to god , he didn’t suffer & he know I was holding him in my arm until the end & I was the last person he looked at ,before he closed his eyes for the Final time.
Thank you Felix for giving us 15 wonderful years of memories,
We will never forget you. my love
Poem loving written by Faye (Felix’s Mum) on 17th November 2008
In loving memory of Felix (My boy)
1994 – 2008


Mrs Faye Shepperd