by Mum,Dad,Nath,Nelly,Davy & Suzie / ADNNDS

Bruce you will always be the hero in our lives.
Even thoe we can’t see you we can feel you. We always no you’re here as we still feel the love from what you gave us, and I hope you no that we have always loved you and still do.

At night we feel that we can still hear your footsteps, like you’re still checking up on us to make sure we’re safe; we love you so much and
that will never change.

Bruce. you never no how much all your family misses and loves you when you driffted into your deep sleep. It tore all our hearts into pieces. We all wanted you to take all are love with you so you would never forget us. We will never forget you our BABY BRUCE. We still sit outside right next to your garden. Your garden is never gloomy. It always blossems. I hope you are happy because you deserve to be. We love you our beautiful BRUCE and always will.


Mum, Dad, Nathan, Narrelle,
Davy and Suzie xxxx


Mum,Dad,Nath,Nelly,Davy & Suzie