by Nicole / Nic

My sixteen year old cat, Sly, always had to be around us. Bathroom,living room, dining room …etc. Always ran away from his litter box. Called it the “poopy dance”. He could open any door and always tried to get outside. (he was an indoor kitty) June of 2002, came home from hard day at work to find Sly nowhere in the house.

Construction on garage going on and both dads working hard in the heat of the summer. Sly was nowhere to be found. Called dads to see what may have happened…all doors closed and no he did not get out. I was beside myself and started to think the worst. On the phone to my sister and lo and behold there he was in the back yard sniffing around like I hadn’t been looking for him for the past 3 hours. Little jerk! God love him.

I would do anything to bring him back.
Glad he had his time in the great woods of Maine.


All my love Sly,