by Robyn Shelley / Robyn Shelley

You JESSIE bought love and light into my life.
It was such a shock to loose you so.
I know my other pets in heaven, will be guiding you, and showing you the way.
You depended on me so much, that is what I wanted, you were so tiny, and all of our dogs on the farm looked after you.
I always called you baby, only because of your size.
May God and the ANGELS be watching over you, and guiding toards CASEY JONES, Mandy,s Cocker Spaniel. She mothered all of my dogs and you, and I will never forget Casey for looking after you JESS.
You are in THE ARMS OF THE ANGELS, MAY YOU FIND SOME COMFORT THERE. I know you and all of my PETS IN HEAVEN will be waiting for me beyond LIFES GATE WAY.
GOD SPEED MY LOVE, (Today the 15th of MAY 2006) is the day you went to that big Play ground in the sky.
May your soul fly free, and you are riding free forever, JESS.
MUM ROB xoxoxo


Robyn Shelley