by Sally

Earlier this year I lost my beloved B.J. my faithful
companion for 12 years.
Not having been sick he collapsed suddenly and when rushed
to the specialist was diagnosed with a bad heart but did not make
it through the night.
I was absolutely devastated he was such a great dog
one in a million.
I still had Misty at home his mate but she was suffering with cancer
and having constant chemo therapy she was nearly 10 years old
and unfortunately passed away just over a week ago.
It took me all this time to get over B.J.’s death and now have
this to face.

In Memory of Pets has been a great help to me
I feel through this site I still have my dogs nearby and other
peoples stories help a lot so I am not alone in my grief.

Misty and B.J. I love you both and
will always remember you.

From your very loving Mum


