by Sam Harris / Samantha Rose Harris copyright 2005

God looked around his garden and saw an empty space,
He looked down on the earth and saw Chazwicks tired face.
It was then he chose you Chazwick to make his garden grow,
The pain I feel without you no one can ever know.
Mummy’s heart is broken and I miss you very much,
You’ve no idea how much I miss your lovely, snuggley touch.
You knew when I was sad and you came to show you cared,
You knew when I was happy and my happiness you shared.
I thought that you might be upset when we bought Mason home,
But I should have known that all you’d do was prove your love had grown.
Your such a brave boy Bom, the pain you must have gone through,
I’m sorry I didn’t realize, I never had a clue.
I know I made the right choice that day, I could see it in your face,
I could almost hear you saying
“Thankyou mummy with you my lives been great”.
It was hard for me to make that choice and for me to say “Goodbye”,
But I knew I couldn’t be selfish and I had to let you fly.
I try to think of special things that we all used to do,
To make your world a special place that was happy and was new.
Our walks down the river, holidays to the beach, playfights with Daddy and cuddles with me,
Life was so perfect, it was fun and you could see,
that we were such a happy family.
I know you were poorley and feeling unwell,
I promised you I’d never let you suffer the pain was to much I could tell.
If I could have 5 minutes, if I could have you back,
I know it can never happen on earth but it’s nice to think like that.
So Mummy holds you close to her heart and there you will remain,
Untill we meet in heaven and I can have you back again.

With all my heart Chaz, I love you and I miss you so much.

Love from mummy xxxxxx

8th October 1992 – 27th August 2005


Sam Harris