by Sherri Brewer / Sherri Brewer

Hello Rainee, it’s mama. I thought of you today. I think of you everyday. I miss you. I love you. I hope you like your new home. I pray for you everyday and every night. Shayla misses you too. I know your with me, cause sometimes I hear the pitter patter of your paws and I turn to see if its you…and your gone. I smile, cause I know you have just said hello to me and then you run to find your sister Shayla, so you can play once again, like old times. I know Shayla sees you..Sometimes she just stares as if she knows you’ve come to visit again. She too, soon, will be coming to meet you at the rainbow bridge and together you will both be happy and I will be happy that you both are together once more. Take care of one another. I love you were my first. Pitter patter..see you later. Love, mama


Sherri Brewer