by Theresa Buck / Theresa Buck

You came to me when life was bad
When my heart was heavy and my soul so sad.
You gave me only love and joy,
and Became to me a son, my precious little boy.

You demanded nothing wanted only love.
Your sweetness only matched by heaven above.
More human than anyone I know.
It broke my heart to see you go.

In heaven now, I know you play,
Short your time here was, but that’s okay.
You taught me more of love than I ever knew,
And if anyone deserves the peace of heaven,
sweet boy it’s you.

So play with the angels, and I’ll try not to fret.
Your beauty and love I’ll never forget.
Keep all the babies company,
show them your great love.
And Kokimo don’t ever forget
how much you are loved.


Theresa Buck