by Victoria Ashley MacArthur / Victoria Ashley Copyright 2

Toby you were like a best friend.
I knew we would be friends till the end.
I still can’t believe you’re gone.
And it hasn’t even been that long.
All the memmories, flash threw my mind
As I hug you for the last time.
I just wish it could of lasted longer.
When I told you to just let go
I didn’t know it would be so soon.
I heard the clock tick, tock, tick, tock
And I knew the moment was coming up right behind me.
I see your flaring nostrils begin to slow
As you quickly begin to fade away.
I heard you gasp for that last breath of air
And I knew it was time.
Toby, I love you. Toby, I love you. I said
But the lord was by our side the whole time.
I know you’re in a better place
And You’re running and playing
just like ole times.
This is not goodbye. I know that for sure.
Instead I said See you later my bright eyed boy
Toby, you really did shine.
But, your heart no longer beats in tune with mine.
Oh how I wish I could of made it last.
I’m just not ready to leave you in the past.
Okay, Tobstah as I called you
I’ll see you around.
Until that day comes when the big guy upstairs calls me home
There will be no calling you on the phone
Like I did when we went far away.
I love you, Toby, not just today
And I know that love will never ever fade.

Toby, I love you with all my heart, we had a special bond you and me.
I’m sure all of heaven is laughing at all your antics. Miss You.


Victoria Ashley MacArthur