by Wanda Molchan / Wanda Molchan

Dear Lord,

I love you and I am trying to trust you for strength now. For you see a couple days ago someone very special arrived. I am sure you know I am speaking of Crimson. She is beautiful and her personality is like no other dog. Faithful, loving, trusting. She has been the best. I had to let her go because she deserved to die with dignity and be free of suffering. It was so hard to watch her breathe her last breath and feel her last heartbeat. She came into my life and stole my heart. She never gave it back and she took it when she left. I ask you to give her a special place. May she run freely through green pastures and rest in the cool shade. May she have many friends. And please show her where my Mom is because they were good buddies at one time too. May she know how much I loved her and that I miss her so much that I can hardly go on now.

The tears flow almost constantly and I see her precious face all the time. Tell her I will see her again and hold her and kiss her. Until then tell her not to worry but just be happy and healthy. My precious girl. Mommy loves you so. And don’t forget that Brad loved you too.


Your Mommy


Wanda Molchan