Casey by Mike

My precious Casey
my friend of many years
I think of you all day
while holding back my tears.

Since your passing on
that dark dark day
The hole in my life and
heart just won’t go away.

You are sorely missed
dear puppy of mine.
I catch myself looking
for you from time to time.

The places where you used to sleep
and eat are empty and bare now.
The house is quiet now how
I’m supposed to get used
to it I don’t know how.

I still go on our daily outing
to the same places at the same time
Hoping that in spirit
you are there by my side.

Your dish and favoite bone
stand idle and untouched
As if waiting there for you
my sweet pup.

I don’t want to say goodbye
to you my precious Casey.
But I promise you that you will live
forever in my heart and
in my memory.



1, Aug 2001