Casper by Lisa / The Rodriguez Family

This is a story of two beloved pets. One is named Sparky, who was a mixed breed. Sparky came into our lives 15 years ago from the pound. We named him in the parking lot. Sparky was a happy go-lucky dog who had a wonderful life filled
with play, sleep, treats, and pookies (stuffed toys).

Casper, a white pearl-faced Cockateil came into our lives six years ago. She adapted to Sparky very quick. Sparky was very tolerant. Casper had personality and was quite spoiled. She went from shoulder to shoulder and had every toy imaginable on her play gym. Sparky and Casper were very much loved and well taken care of. They were part of the family.

After 15 years, Sparky began having hip difficulties to the point of severe pain. We knew we were going to have to put down Sparky in a matter of days. The only slice was having Casper around to curb the pain of the loss of Sparky. Prior to putting Sparky down we put him on pain medication, but it wasn’t working. We were to put him down on a Friday.

It was Thursday morning and I received a tragic call that Casper, my beautiful, lovable bird died suddenly. What? Casper died? How could this be. Casper was chirping and flying around just that morning. Casper died on Thursday and Sparky was put to sleep on Friday. It turns out, the two were meant to be together. I love them both and they will always be in our hearts.


We love you our little angels,