Cassie bell Norman by Geri / Your one true friend

What a hard thing “it” always is to do – what an incredibly difficult decision to make………and this time was no exception, although I’ve had to make that decision so
very many times before. Cassie, a little calico, was found on my job site when she was about 10 months old – she was adorable, loving & very thrilled to hang out on the hospital grounds where I worked. She became familiar with both the outside area where she played and the
inside area where I worked.

I kept my car window open & she’d go in & out, having a scratching post & a blanket in the car just for her, and food as well. I tried many times to get her adopted but no home was found and she remained our “mascot” at work. She was, of course, taken to be spayed & received her shots. She proceeded to live a very chaotic and ever-changing life. She once fell through a drop ceiling and although she seemed fine, it was discovered in later years that she had sustained fractures! Somehow, she had healed on her own. Another time, she got snowed in after she jumped down into a sewer & luckily, my co-worker dug out the snow & very likely saved her cute little life! She subsequently, though, was banished from my job site, where due to “health issues”, animals were not allowed.

One of my neighbors kept her the first night & the next day I was informed that while Cassie was very pretty, she was a crazy, biting cat, biting for no reason! What a shock that was, she had NEVER done that before – never, ever! Another friend of mine fostered her for 3 weeks and she also, was constantly attacked by Cassie! Next, Cassie was at yet another friend’s house – he kept her for 3 months before announcing that he was tired of walking around his apartment with a broom to brush her off when she continuously made surprise attacks on him! I gave up trying to find a place for her & adopted her
for myself in January, 1996.

For the first 10 days, she paced back & forth on my bedroom window sill, literally screaming & screaming, day & night. She finally realized she was not going to be allowed to go outside & quieted down, resigned to her new life with 8 other cats & a German Shepherd. ALL of my cats immediately hated poor little Cassie! My dog, though, was in love with her & if any of my cats would go after her, “Lady” barked in a special high pitched tone that would let me know Cassie was in trouble & needed me to save her! Cassie developed an interesting habit of sleeping on top of my stove (which luckily for her, I almost never used).

She either loved the heat from the burners or maybe, she just thought my other cats wouldn’t find her up there! Years later, I realized it was best to have Cassie in her own space & moved her into my bedroom. She seemed to enjoy her new & safe territory where she had plenty of room to play, plenty of places to sleep, and her own private litter boxes – what more could a kitty want? Unfortunately, though, she was now attacking ME ! She’d stare at me, giving me the “once over”, while she decided where she’d like to bite me! She did this on a daily basis, to the point where I had to keep a spray bottle containing water at the side of my bed, to try to protect myself. Although Cassie was always very small, she was a mighty hunter – of ME !

I still loved her dearly but it WAS a challenge to run away from this itty bitty kitty! (She was never more than about 6 lbs). One really cute habit Cassie had (sure was cuter than her constant biting!), was the way she washed her face. Instead of doing it like other cats, licking her paw and then cleaning her face with that paw, she used the same method but with a HIND leg instead of a front paw! Sure wish I had a video of that! Well, the years passed and I was very impressed by the fact that Cassie was the only cat in my household who was never on a special diet or any medications despite her advanced age. Then, suddenly, this tiny bundle of terror became ill – was eating poorly, losing weight, and attacked me no more – , a true sign that she wasn’t feeling well at all. Many vet visits later, as her health declined even more, it was determined that there was no further treatment to help her.

She would have been 17 on April 2nd, 2010 but I couldn’t be selfish & keep her around for this birthday – instead, I had to honor her life by letting her go…..and I loved her enough to do this on Valentine’s Day. She’ll always be in my heart but I’ll be missing my 4lb Cassie bell – always & forever.


Missing you so much,
Cassie bell Norman
14, Feb 2010